Meryl Streep hired an exorcist for Steven Spielberg

07 December 2017, 12:52 | Show Business
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In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, actress Meryl Streep confessed that she once summoned the priest to the house of director Steven Spielberg.

When Strip and Spielberg worked together on the fantastic film "Artificial Intelligence" and the historical drama "The Secret Dossier," the director and actress constantly discussed how something wrong was happening in Spielberg's house.

"He asked if I know anyone who would be engaged in exorcism. Of course I know. I brought him a priest, "- said Strip.

Whether this helped to stop strangeness in the home of the director, the actress did not specify.

Let's note, now Steven Spielberg's Secret Dossier, where Meryl Streep performed the main female role, is considered one of the main contenders for the Oscar.

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