Pavel Zibrov smashed Sofia Rotaru to the nines

03 December 2017, 13:33 | Show Business
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The well-known pop singer Pavel Zibrov commented on the performances of Sofia Rotaru, who is the Hero of Ukraine, while receiving awards in the Kremlin and speaking in Russia.

"It seems to me that Sofia Rotaru is not a Ukrainian singer. I do not see any such association with Ukraine. She is from the Soviet Union. That's how she went down in history, like Kobzon, how can you say about him? Is he a Russian singer? In Moldova, she is considered a Moldavian singer, because she is a Moldovan. It's hard to say something about Sophia Mikhailovna. Although, she has a high title of Hero of Ukraine.

It surprises me - the Hero of Ukraine, and acts on the territory of Russia. ", - resented Zibrov.

True, he said, there is no need to select high ranks from artists for trips to Russia.

"No, it's like taking away the titles of" deserved "and" people's ". There are discussions, but no one will take it and no one will vote. They will say: "You did not give and you will not take". This is impossible, "the performer stated..

Recall, earlier Oksana Marchenko told what happened to her luxurious outfits.

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