Olya Polyakova told about the third pregnancy

19 November 2017, 13:58 | Show Business
photo tv.ua
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In one of her recent interviews, singer Olya Polyakova made two high-profile statements. The first - about a career, and the second - about a possible third pregnancy.

So, despite the fact that the singer is always confidently holding onto the stage, she confessed that she fights with fear every time she enters the stage.

"I have a kokoshnik lit with pyrotechnics, which includes a button. It all lights up on my head. But every time I think, and suddenly some envious singer put a tiny bit of TNT in it, and now my head will burst, and the body will practice the concert for another 2 hours, "said Polyakova.

Also, the singer said that she did not intend to share the stage with anyone, even with her children.

"I'm going to conquer the world. Complete dominance. I like to "reign" on stage singly. Enough of the fact that I let the ballet go, the girls are beautiful.

Let the children grow, develop, somehow get there. Mom no one gave nothing, "- admitted the actress.

But on the question of journalists about a possible third pregnancy, Olga answered mysteriously.

"I am a friendly woman. I can "disguise" also the boy. And not just the boy. You know, my fertile age is still about 20 years, so it's not enough. I still can do it 10 times, "added Superblonde.

Let's remind, earlier Алена Винницкая has declassified new partner Oleg Vinnik.

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