The film crew of Terry Gilliam was accused of causing damage to the monastery

07 June 2017, 13:57 | Show Business
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British film director Terry Gilliam and his film crew of the film "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote" were in an unpleasant situation. The Portuguese authorities initiated an investigation into the actions of the film crew after accusing them of harming the monastery of the Order of Christ (Convent de Criste), founded in 1190.

The reason for the check was the reports of the broadcasting company RTP, according to which during the filming of the Gilliam team damaged the tiles and uprooted trees on the territory of the monastery.

"We did everything to protect the building from damage, and we succeeded. Trees were not cut down, the stones were not broken, "the director replied to the charges.

Recall, earlier George and Amal Clooney first became parents.

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