Farrell Williams threatened Trump for illegal use of the hit

30 October 2018, 13:44 | Music
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Well-known singer Farrell Williams reacted harshly to using his hit Happy before the spitsch of US President Donald Trump. The anger of the musician was caused not only by the illegality of using the track, but also by the fact that the song Happy sounded a few hours after the shooting in Pittsburgh. About this writes The Hollywood Reporter.

Farrell Williams expressed his indignation at the head of the United States in a letter sent through his own attorney..

"On the day of the massacre of 11 people, you turn on his song Happy with the hands of an insane" nationalist "(" Happy "- English. ) crowd at a political event in indiana.

There is nothing "happy" in the tragedy that happened in our country, you were not given permission to use this song, "said musician representative Howard King..

It is known that Williams never gave permission for Trump to use his music.. He also stressed that the last incident will be considered copyright infringement..

Earlier it was reported that the soloists of the legendary band Aerosmith demanded that Trump stop using their music..

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