The plane Shakira because of a malfunction made an emergency landing

26 July 2018, 12:15 | Music
photo Корреспондент.net
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The plane of the singer Shakira was forced to make an emergency landing due to a malfunction. The actor miraculously escaped a plane crash. This writes Metro.

It is reported that the singer was sent from his hometown of Barranquilla to his wife Gerard Pique and their common children in the Bahamas.

After 20 minutes after take-off the vessel was depressurized, because of what the pilot was forced to land the aircraft. An emergency landing was made in Barranquilla.

Earlier it was reported that in Barcelona, ??the house of Shakira and Gerard Piquet was robbed. Jewels and valuables were stolen.

It was also reported that the singer Shakira was fined $ 25 million for non-payment of taxes.

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