Jay Z confessed to the betrayal of his wife Beyonce

30 November 2017, 19:10 | Music
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American rapper Jay Z admitted that he was betraying his wife Beyonce. He told about this in a frank interview with The New York Times.

"Sometimes you have to survive. And when you go into such a tough regime, then you begin to behave accordingly. I have to suppress all emotions. Even with women, you remain emotionally closed, you can not find a common language. In my case, it's still more serious. Hence the infidelity follows, "he said..

Also the musician stressed that to save them from Beyonce's marriage from collapse helped the birth of twins.

According to Jay Z, this was a difficult period for both of them, which was accompanied by clarification of relations.

"It is hardest to see on someone's face the pain caused by you. We have to deal with ourselves, "he confessed.

Earlier reported that rapper Jay Z received the highest number of nominations for the Grammy Award.

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