Victoria Maremukha got to the hospital after falling from a horse

Yesterday, 20:11 | gossip
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Blogger and actress Victoria Maremukha ended up in the hospital after the incident during riding. . The instructor immediately called an ambulance. . Fortunately, she did not find fractures, but doctors are still waiting for the results of computed tomography of the head. Also, during an ultrasound, doctors noticed a liquid, the origin of which is not yet clear. . I will not say that it was pleasant. I didn't understand how it happened. On the ground after she began to breathe again, she asked the instructor: \? " Good news - there are no fractures, I'm still waiting for conclusions on CT of the head.

From not very good news - they found liquid on an ultrasound, and so far three more doctors are not understood, it is my physiology or formed as a result of a fall as an injury, ”the blogger shared. . Instagram. COM/Vicky_mare previously reported that the finalist of the national selection for Eurovision-2025, the singer Ayo almost missed the opportunity to speak due to severe injury to the eye. . PIDS INSIALLY OUR CANEL HTTPS: // T. Me/KorrespondentNet TA WhatsApp Author: 1.

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