Daniel Salem spoke about the relationship with Lida Lee and that they actually connects them

30 January 2025, 06:04 | gossip
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The Ukrainian showman Daniel Salem declassified what is the relationship between them with the singer Lee Lee. For a long time, gossip has been gossiping that a couple had a novel. In particular, they sometimes spend time together, communicate very well, and when Salem is in service, Lida takes care of his dog. All this gave rise to a lot of gossip on the network. In an interview with KP. UA Daniel Salem shared that he really became very close to the performer, who became support for him. However, he assured that they were united only by friendship and nothing more. " To be honest, I advise everyone to find a friend like Lida in life. And in general have real friendship. This is very rare.

Very grateful to Lida for this friendship. "

As for rumors on the network, Daniel Salem says that he does not react to them. According to him, users need to gossip about something, without it in no way. " So let them finish. Who are we to tell them what to do or not to do, ”the showman snapped. Recall that recently singer Irina Bilyk was suspected in a novel with a Turkish businessman Murat Nalkioglu. The performer has already responded to rumors on the network.

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