Draniki absorb oil and turn out greasy: how to make the dish more dietary

24 January 2025, 21:06 | gossip
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Dranica is a favorite dish of many, but their preparation is often accompanied by the use of a large amount of vegetable oil, which makes them heavy for digestion and calorie. Many housewives avoid eating goodness precisely because of its fat content. But there are simple ways to make pancakes more dietary without losing their taste and crispiness.

The editors of FoodOboz will tell you how to minimize the use of oil when preparing pancakes so that they are lower in calories and beneficial for your health. You need to adhere to just a few simple rules.

Use a pan with a Teflon Teflon or Anti -Appeal Teenage pan - your main assistant in the struggle with excess fat. Such utensils allows you to prepare pancakes even without the use of vegetable oil. Heat the frying pan well enough, and the potato mixture will not stick to the surface, and your pancakes will turn out crispy and tasty.

Add oil to the potato mass. So that the pancakes do not absorb a lot of fat during frying, add a small amount of oil directly to the minced meat. Proportion: 1 tablespoon of oil per 1 kg of potatoes. This simple secret will allow the potato mass to secrete fat during frying, so adding oil to the pan will not need.

Use paper towels after the pancakes are ready, be sure to transfer them not to a regular plate, but to dishes covered with paper towels.

The towels will absorb excess oil remaining on the surface of the potato pancakes.. As soon as the towels have a function, move the dish to clean dishes for serving. This step will significantly reduce the overall fat content of the finished dish..

Alternatives frying if you want to make pancakes as dietary as possible, try to bake them in the oven. Put the mass on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and cook at a temperature of 200 ° C until golden crust. As a result, you will get a lighter, but no less tasty dish..

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