Aquarius season will bring changes: how it will affect Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer

21 January 2025, 19:42 | gossip
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Aquarius season begins on January 20 and lasts until February 18. Astrologers note that this is a period of change and new awareness for each zodiac sign.

How these cosmic vibrations will affect Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer, read in the horoscope from Ofeminin.

Aries: Time In the life of Aries there comes a time for courage and intuition. If you have questions about your goal, now is the perfect time to find the answer.. Your intuition and journaling will help you along this path.. You're sure to find clarity.

Taurus: Romantic sweets await Taurus. Open up to love and let your feelings blossom.

You will be full of creative ideas on how to spend time with your loved one.

Gemini For Gemini, this period can bring instability.. To stay calm and achieve personal internal changes, you should try mindfulness practices, relaxation exercises, and being alone with your thoughts.

Cancer Cancer's self-confidence will increase. Aquarius season will bring you power and authority. Challenges await you, overcoming them will help you achieve success..

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