Kamaliya declassified her new profession to her mother and is now alive: “All my life has come to this point”

19 January 2025, 20:21 | gossip
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Ukrainian spivaka Kamaliya spoke about career changes in the life of her mother Inny. As it turns out, a lot of people have recently acquired a new profession. Zokrema, Inna Petrivna completed her studies at the university and completed her master's degree in psychotherapy, receiving a diploma. Moreover, before the war, the mother of the sleeper had already begun to give up her services and is working in the government establishment. " Graduated from yet another university, already stole my diploma, now a psychotherapist. Nowadays she has a sovereign practice. She already has a number of clients and job proposals. It’s more fitting, and it’s good to go out and work with people. Such an enemy that all life has come to this point. This is a profession that will require a lot of life experience. And there passed the great path of life. I think she will be a very good psychotherapist. “You have already begun to love, there are three things to illuminate in her,” Kamaliya admitted in the interview “Briefly about”.

According to Vikonovitsa, Inna Petrivna lives near the center of the capital. Prote inkoli is visited as a guest until the private booth of the mirror bottom at different times of departure or turned around. " She has her own apartment in the center of the city.

You need to separate yourself, because it’s impossible to stay calmly 24/7, as if people didn’t love the same person. Mom will wonder behind the alarm when we are absent. She visits us when the girls come for vacation, because she cares about the girls and wants to spend time with them,” explained the artist. Guess what, recently Kamaliya ambiguously spoke about her crazy love affair with her man Mohammad Zahoor. Vaughn pulled out that she would give him the task of being happy. .

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