The father of Spider-Man star Tom Holland has confirmed his engagement to American actress Zendaya. Comedian Dominic Holland announced this on his blog on January 10, writes People. According to the comedian, his son took the offer responsibly. Tom Holland thought through everything to the smallest detail and planned the time, date, speech and even the image. Interestingly, the actor approached the engagement somewhat in the old fashioned way. Before he proposed to Zendaya, he asked her father for permission to do so.. " He talked to her father and got permission to propose to his daughter. Tom had it all planned. When, where, how, what to say, what to wear,” shared the actor’s father.
The couple got engaged, but is in no hurry to get married, as an insider said.
In particular, first Zendaya and Holland want to enjoy their new status, and only then walk down the aisle. In addition, the lovers are not yet ready for the wedding, they are busy with work projects. " They are both busy with work projects,” says the source.. Let's remember that Tom Holland and Zendaya started talking about their engagement after the Golden Globe Awards ceremony.. At the gala event, the actress flashed her engagement ring. Eventually, Holland's father confirmed the couple's engagement, although he initially tried to deny the rumors.