Ukrainian presenter and blogger Masha Efrosinina spoke about her long-awaited vacation. In her photo blog, the celebrity said that the first half of winter was special for her. In the post, she said that she managed to do quite a lot of things during this period. In addition to charitable projects and work, the star devoted some time to family and recreation.. Thus, 20-year-old daughter Nana and husband Timur Khromaev, who serves in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, returned to Efrosinina and her son Sasha.. After the holidays at home in Kyiv, the entire family went to Bukovel for four days. Masha shared a happy selfie with her lover and son and admitted that she had been missing this for so long. The presenter says that her vacation was interrupted by illness, but even this did not stop her from enjoying valuable moments with her family..
Nanochka came for vacation. Decorated the Christmas tree! Received guests. And we only had four days in Bukovel. There they relaxed and got sick. Classic! But I was still happy - I was just breathing with my children and husband, because my whole family, unfortunately, gets together only a few times a year,” the star shared. Let us remind you that recently the wife of presenter Grigory Reshetnik Kristina showed which country she went to on vacation with their three sons.