The wife of Ukrainian presenter Vladimir Ostapchuk stunned with a flat tummy just a month after giving birth. In particular, blogger Ekaterina Poltavskaya was photographed in a bra and tights. In the photo, the showman's chosen one showed what her body looks like after giving birth. Just a month after the birth of the baby, Katya already has a flat tummy. True, as the blogger admitted, she still experiences some of the consequences of pregnancy on her body. In particular, Katya’s suture after a caesarean section still hurts if you touch it.
Also, 24-year-old Poltavskaya shared that she can see a “jelly” lower abdomen, however, her skin after pregnancy is quite elastic.
" edit. ) Tim is one month old and therefore one month postpartum. The seam still hurts if you touch it. And this, if you don’t lie, there is a lower abdomen and it’s jelly, but the skin is very elastic,” the blogger shared.
Let us remind you that recently the wife of Vladimir Ostapchuk told how their relationship changed after the birth of their son. Ekaterina Poltavskaya also shared what makes their marriage happier.