Dmytro Monatik captured a photo with his newborn son in a vase

02 January 2025, 22:07 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian Spivak Dmytro Monatik, also known as MONATIK, showed up with his newly born third son. Family photos were recently shared on Instagram stories. The artist published a photo containing images of his newborn son. Malyuk was holding the vase, and Dmytro Monatik was standing in charge of the black chosen one.. Until the word, spivak ta yogo squad Irina, don’t bother showing off your son. Also, you won’t be able to look at the baby in the photo.. Without signing the photo with his son Dmitro Monatik, Irina briefly noted that the “young father” is posing in the photo.

Before the word, about the new arrival in the homeland of MONATIK it became known on 24th birthday.

The same artist published a photo with his friends and three sons and greeted his friends from the Party. Malyuka Vikonavets showed his tods from the back. I'm the third son, the artist is still waiting. Until the word, Dmitry and Irina Monatiki also echo the 9-Rich Danil and the 7-Rich Plato. Not less in the homeland of MONATIK there has been more. It is possible to guess who will have children in 2024. Read also: Gorbunov Vіdpovіv, how to stand up to the scandalous Yami and Vinnyk, who flowed beyond the cordon Intercessor "

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