Serhiy Pritula talked about the welding with his squad and how the war took their toll

24 December 2024, 08:27 | gossip
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An ex-scientist, and also a huge activist, a volunteer and the founder of the one-name foundation, Serhiy Prytula, spoke about the fight with his squad Katerina Sopelnik during the hour of war. Behind the words of Sergiy, there is no truth between them and there are some weldings between them.. Before the hour of war, the homeland of the Zirka learned that it was more important for them to clear away the bitter Kuti. So the stinks have learned to approach everything that is important. Tim is not less, the volunteer does not invite, because of the pressure of the work schedule, he is not able to often work with the staff. Moreover, most of Father’s obligations fall on her. “I won’t say that this is the most happy thing. Because, after all, three children are so important. Of a different age, with its different little little pins. This war did not benefit anyone in the context of the time spent in families. Ale definitely went to the advanced level of awareness of the importance of one in life. I honestly don’t remember that my squad and I got into such a bad fight. . So, thoughts may not coincide, but this is not a reason to shift the tone and project negativity onto those closest to you,” Pritula admitted in an interview with Serhiy Likhovid..

However, it’s nice for a citizen to have the opportunity to spend extra time with his children – but it doesn’t work. As Sergiy knows, this really helps him to relax and be a very happy person. " edit. ) to be known. And I am very happy in those days when I can smear plasticine, so that children can get everything they want. I don’t know on what level everything works, but I’m worried for my children. This is the voltage in which you live and work in a normal mode, and you know. I relax and calm down, the stinks laugh at me calmly, but I’m so kind as the stinks climb on me, play.

In fact, the stench really helps me trim my mentality,” adding Zirka. Guess what, recently the sleepy girl Kamaliya also found out that she was still in love with the daughter of Mohammad Zahur, who ruined her whore. Read also: Dmitro Komarov, for the first time in a very difficult hour, was involved in ligaments and openings, which he took up. Vidoma Ukrainian spivachka was hospitalized in the middle of the night until the doctor Liliya Rebrik at the riverine gateway.

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