18-year-old participant of the show “Ukraine’s Got Talent” Emily Moskalenko has died

19 December 2024, 21:40 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Emily Moskalenko, a participant in the talent show “Ukraine’s Got Talent”, has died. The sad news was reported on Facebook by the girl’s mother, Tatyana Moskalenko.. She sadly wrote that she was now experiencing terrible pain, and added that Emily would forever remain in her heart. Moskalenko asked to respect her confidentiality at the time of grief and not to ask her unnecessary questions. " You are always in my heart. Sleep, my girl,” wrote mom Emily Moskalenko.

The girl died at the age of 18. What caused it is still unknown. Moskalenko’s mother did not go into details. It should be noted that Emily Moskalenko became famous at the age of five, when she became a participant in the fourth and sixth seasons of the Ukraine's Got Talent project.. The girl surprised with her gymnastic skills.

She also took part in the “Everybody Dance” project, where she reached the finals. In general, Moskalenko actively developed her career and often surprised viewers abroad with her skills.. In the last years of her life, the gymnast lived with her family in Kyiv, but traveled to Canada and the USA, where she worked, studied acting and modeling.

Let us remind you that currently the editors of the TSN website. ua sums up the past year. We previously wrote about which Ukrainian and world stars died in 2024.

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