In public, the Ukrainian actor first spoke about her boss: “Non-public person”

27 November 2024, 21:20 | gossip
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From the series “Revenge”, Ukrainian actor Claudia Drozd-Bunina first spoke about her brother. The artist doesn’t attract, it’s not selfish. This celebrity does not bother to show off his image to the public, and also does not tell about him. Prote in the program " The actor revealed that she is not a public person, but she does not care about show business. You can’t love a person if Claudia tells you about him. Also, celebrity is placed with honor to the special cordons of the band. However, it is absolutely incredible that supporters will still worry if Drozd-Bunin is introduced to the public, and even the artist does not include.

" You don’t care, and I’m just putting myself in the driver’s seat. You won’t love him if I tell you about him. If I want, then we’ll talk about it,” the actor shared. Guess what, Katerina Nikitina recently showed off her boyfriend in a trivial hour. The same artist publicly went crazy. Read also: Liliya Podkopaeva gently greeted the blue-haired 19-year-old and showed how she changed with fate Spit on the director, first tears and months of body training: top facts about the new.

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