Anna Trincher sang with a war veteran at the concert and brought her to tears with a heart-wrenching duet

03 November 2024, 09:01 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian singer Anna Trincher played a big solo concert in Kyiv, during which she really touched those present. In particular, the performer sang on stage in a duet with military man Alexander Romensky, who is recovering from a serious injury at the front. They performed the track “Ti robiv meni kava” together, while footage of the war was broadcast on the screen behind them. The duet turned out to be so sensual that those present could not contain their emotions and cried. “The most painful moment since yesterday (November 1 – approx.. edit. ) concert. Alexander is a real hero. The face of Ukraine's courage is in you!

Thank you for trusting and telling your story to thousands of people and breathing life into them,” the artist addressed the defender.

In turn, Alexander thanked Anna Trincher for the duet. In addition, he invited the singer on December 25, when she will give a concert again, to repeat their sensual number. Let us remind you that Anna Trincher recently released a new song called “I don’t know”. The artist sang the track in a duet with the performer Cheev.

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