Alina Grosu for the first time showed her boyfriend in full – a famous Russian actor

24 September 2024, 23:35 | gossip
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Ukrainian spivachka Alina Grosu unveiled her other boyfriend, who appeared to be a known Russian actor. It became tse vipadkovo. Zokrema, Vikonavitsa attended a dinner party in the mayor of New York. Also present there was the head of the United States for diplomacy and negotiations at the G100, as well as the ambassador for human rights and development in the UN Economic and Social Council Sima Karetna, who shared photos from the visit on her photo blog.

In the frames was the famous Alina Grosu. The Russian actor Roman Polyansky, with whom Vikonavita had a small affair before the start of a full-scale war, and with whom they can attribute each other in a marriage, has been shining a bright spotlight. It turned out that the Russian effectively became the artist’s boyfriend. Before the word, Sima Karetna said this, calling Polyansky, as Alina Grosu’s companion in life.

It is significant that Alina Grosu finally announced that she suddenly got married. If the artist wanted to show a photo of a cheerful person, she would like to take away the image. This morning, some facts about the dog's dog have been revealed. Vaughn said that her man is a foreigner, but of the Ukrainian mind. In addition, the design of the mirror is not very popular in Ukraine. Grosu also shared that their areas of activity are quite similar. The Vikonavite director directs films, commercials, music videos, and also appears in projects.

The fans immediately began to let go, so Roman Polyansky, with whom Grosu was close to the beginning of a full-scale war, until 2022, the couple broke their centenaries. Wreshti, the Russian actor has effectively emerged as a model of the star.

Guess what, Alina Grosu’s team recently announced that she was making a diplomatic visit to New York. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine reacted to this information and commented on how effective it is.

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