Oleg Vinnik’s team responded to accusations that he fled Ukraine during the war

12 August 2024, 15:01 | gossip
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The team of singer Oleg Vinnik, who lives in Germany, responded to accusations that he fled Ukraine during the war. The other day the artist announced that he would soon release the first track “My People” since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion.. However, in the comments under the announcement of the new composition, user opinions were not clear-cut. While the singer's loyal fans rejoiced at the news, others were outraged. Users stated that Oleg Vinnik made his choice when he left Ukraine during a full-scale war, did not give public comments about the Russian invasion and simply took a silent position. Users noted that “the country does not need such patriots”.

He will come, give a concert, earn money and then run away to Germany again? And then he will sing about “his” people again... Let him sit where he was for 2.5 years and not get out. Disgrace! And who was waiting? Artists who fled to another country do not express any thoughts regarding the war, and are now returning to make money from new songs, are not welcome. Now there are much more talented and with a clear position who support our military, organize concerts to raise money for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who will not run away at the first opportunity. Why do we need people in the country who betrayed the people and, like the last rat, ran away at the first opportunity?! And now he will come to sing when no one is waiting for him! Shame on such artists! The head of the official Oleg Vinnik fan club, Valeria Baron, could not silently read such comments. She responded to reproaches that the singer fled from Ukraine, and explained that he had been living in Germany for more than 20 years, saying that he did not run away, but went home. “It’s okay that he started treatment long before? And he left not for treatment, but returned home. A person has been living exclusively in Germany for more than 20 years, is a resident of this country and has no place to live in Ukraine. Learn materiel, and then commit “treason,” Baron wrote in the comments.

In addition, the head of the official fan club, the performer, told how Oleg Vinnik helps the military. According to her, the artist transferred more than half a million euros to help defenders. " This figure exceeds 0.5 million euros. OK yes. All for the sake of victory.

Maybe it’s time to stop looking for enemies among friends. The people will judge everything. So that everyone helps as much as Oleg helped,” Baron said. Let us remind you that Oleg Vinnik was in Germany throughout the full-scale war.. The singer went abroad to be treated for a serious illness. Ukrainians were outraged that the artist left the country in difficult times, did not publicly condemn the Russian invasion and was silent about the crimes of the occupiers.

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