Oleksandr Ponomariov showed a rare photo with a 17-year-old blue-red and as the holy day of the people

09 August 2024, 21:49 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian spivak Oleksandr Ponomariov today, 9th sickle, national holy day. Artists receive 51 ratings. In the program “ZhVL Presents,” the celebrity revealed that since the beginning of the day the people have not been in charge of heavy holiday celebrations, especially in the hour of war, Ponomarev has no time for anything. It’s important for you to ask your closest friends with whom you can share an important date.. " Maybe I’ll get together with friends at the dacha in the middle of the holiday season. This little thing is sacred to me,” Spivak shared.

Before the speech, greet the father on the day of the people, having already arrived from his son from another squad - Oleksandr. The artist has already published on his Instagram a rare photo with a 17-year-old handsome young man. Also, the spivak shared that in the Great Patriotic War - exactly at 16:00, at that hour, having been born in the Great Britain, wedge ourselves in the water. \! Sin arrived to say hello! Love the living creatures!

" Apparently, Oleksandr Ponomaryov previously declassified that he was born from his sister-in-law Maria Yaremchuk. The artist became the baptized father of the first city of Vikonavitsa.

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