The famous Ukrainian singer resigned from the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and explained how he managed it

08 August 2024, 22:59 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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The lead singer of the TIK group Viktor Bronyuk resigned from the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The artist spoke about this in the program “Wound at the Great Place”. In particular, the performer entered service at the beginning of a full-scale war, and was in service for a year and two months. However, Viktor Bronyuk subsequently resigned from the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As the musician explained, he did it because he had no other choice. Bronyuk's dad has a disability of the first group, and the singer must look after him. Therefore, the performer had to resign from service.

" He suffered a stroke. I theoretically could not leave.

It was such a time, I served for a year and two months, and as if the situation required me to devote a little more time,” the artist shared. Let us remind you that recently a member of the TNMK group Fozzi spoke about his attitude towards mobilization and admitted whether he was ready to join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The musician also remembered a funny thing that happened to him at the beginning of a full-scale Russian invasion and was associated with the military commissar.

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