Kamaliya first spoke about the weekend and what helped her to rejoice: “I was afraid of my joy”

06 August 2024, 09:51 | gossip
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Ukrainian singer Kamaliya first announced that her first pregnancy had ended. So, according to the artist’s words, it was revealed in a rather late term of vagrancy, if she was aware of her twins. After covering up the outburst, behind the words of the sleeper, she rushed into work and tried not to focus on the problem. Before that, the support of people close to her helped heal the desolation. " Your family plays such a great role, support. This is meditation, sports, etc.. I was told by the doctor that it is necessary not to get hung up and not think about it. Because if you really want it, then nothing will come of it. I immediately became engrossed in work, fantasizing about. Plus equestrian sports, entertainment, songs, clips, performances...”, Kamaliya admitted in an interview with Slava Dyomin.

Years ago, apparently, Kamaliya decided on the procedure of EPC (piece plastering). In this way, the artist gave birth to two twin daughters, Arabella and Mirabella, for 10 years at a time. And looking around in the past, Zira remembers with a smile how she was afraid to lead an active way of life and gradually took over the children of the future. " edit. ), I was afraid for my sake. And the doctor said to me: “Live and fear nothing.”. If you do, then you will, if you don’t, you will try.”. I really wanted a baby. I wanted to be realized. It was scary until the end.

“Although I was in constant touch with the doctors, everything was under control,” the artist added.

Guess what, recently the sleeper Kamaliya was shocked that she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and shared her experiences of clinical death. Read also: Jamala blurred out a photo with her two-year-old son and went crazy with the important lamentations of Zirka “The Voice of the Country” came out and created unprecedented fun Ksenia Mishina sent her 12-year-old son to after repairs and opened, we will spend the holidays without her.

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