Olya Polyakova explained why, during the hour of war, she turned the 12-river route to Ukraine: “She had an injury”

05 August 2024, 23:36 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian spivachka Olya Polyakova explained why, in the hour of war, due to unsafe circumstances, she turned the 12-river Don Alice to Ukraine from Great Britain. The artist says that for the girl, moving to another country was traumatic. Zokrema, in her daughter there was trauma due to those who had to leave her primary center. Alice couldn’t call until her new home, school, friends. Also, she steadily begged her mother to turn her home. " She really wanted to go back to her old life. For her, it was simply an absolute idea of \u200b\u200bfixation, which was impossible to fight every day. I already talked to her like this and that.. She was traumatized, they took her by the scruff of the neck and took her somewhere, took her from her family’s home, took her friends, took her from her school, her apartment, and her pets.. She had a more traumatic experience with this situation,” Polyakova told Lux \u200b\u200bFM..

Donna Spivachki wants to return to the middle life that she felt before the war: to her apartment, school, coach, friends. Moreover, Alice would like to spend an hour with a nanny again, as it was before the full-scale Russian invasion. Vreshti, Olya Polyakova didn’t show, she turned back to Ukraine. Nina the artist tried everything more and more, and Alisa survived the traumatic experience and felt comfortable again. “It’s really important for her not just to turn back home, but to turn back to that apartment where she went, to that same school, to the same coach she trained with.”. More importantly, she insists on turning her nanny into me. I say that she is 13 years old in a month, like a nanny. You want everything to be as before and then calm down.

I want to earn everything now so that everything will be in it as before,” the artist shared.

Guess what, the former leader Olga Freimut turned her back to Ukraine. The celebrity has already begun to show how to spend an hour with the girls in Lviv. Read also: Jamala blurred out a photo with her two-year-old son and went crazy with the important lamentations of Zirka “The Voice of the Country” came out and created unprecedented fun Ksenia Mishina sent her 12-year-old son to after repairs and opened, we will spend the holidays without her.

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