Jamala photographed a photo of her two-year-old son and became a fan with respectful lamentations

05 August 2024, 17:01 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian spivachka Jamala captured a photo with her 20-year-old son and wrote an important note for wives. So, from the 1st to the 7th sickle, the world has three years of breastfeeding. Also, Vikonovitsa on her Instagram encouraged swearing, how children are born with breasts. The actress guessed what hard work it is. Also, the sleeper called to encourage mothers and tell them words of love and encouragement. " On the Worldwide Day of Breast Benefit, support all mothers, who today especially need warm words, the atmosphere is rosy,” said Jah to subscribers.

At the same time, the sleepwalker published a photo with her two-month-old son. The artist shared that Alim Seit-Bekir is a great friend. It’s true, denouncing the little Vikonovitsa, don’t bother showing off. It is significant that Jamala became a rich mother. In one of the canopies of Kiev, the artist gave birth to her third son.

Now the mirror, together with its head, is the leader of Emir-Rahman, Selima-Giraya and Alima Seit-Bekir. Guess what, Ivanna Onufriychuk also became the leader of the grass matusya. The celebrity has already declassified how she is related to the alien man. Read also: The “Voice of the Country” TV show went dark and caused unexpected fun Merezh was first leaked a photo of Natalia Mogilevskaya’s boyfriend Natalia Mogilevskaya showed how the 4-river daughter instilled: “Zrobila holy"

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