Viktor Pavlik’s squad in Moldova was called by the police: “I’m going to destroy this country”

18 July 2024, 08:23 | gossip
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The team of Victor Pavlik's spy - Katerina Repyakhova - said that in Moldova their two daughters were policemen. The blogger turns from Israel to Ukraine. Katerina crossed the border in Moldova, and there she also lost her car. The Vikonian has since realized that she paid over 26 thousand hryvnia for parking in 26 days. Katerina appreciates that the price is high, and the Ukrainians “make money” by doing this. Also, next time the blogger will turn to another country to cross the cordon. “I’m really angry at Moldova! Over 26 thousand hryvnia – parking fee for 26 days. I respect that this is the purpose of our position for our purposes. “Next time, with all my might, I will try to destroy this country,” the blogger complained.

But the unpleasant benefits of hiring Viktor Pavlik did not end there. The blogger two were attacked by the police. First of all, Rep'yakhova did not have a special vignette (payment for tolls on highways), and what if they guessed that there would be a transfer of the liquidity rate in 2023. " Everyone wants swag!

First - we didn’t have a vignette, suddenly - the police added to the basis of a shift in the liquidity rate by 12 km in 2023. The stench just sticks on your paw! Tse zhakh,” the blogger said.

Guess what, Lama was recently harassed by the police. An unacceptable incident occurred just before the beneficial concert of Vikonovitsa. Read also: Alina Shamanska reacted to the departure of excholovian Hanumak from Ukraine to the United States during the hour of war. The famous Ukrainian actor Dar'yush Eslami died at the birth of 24 rocks. nki with a 20-year-old girl.

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