26-year-old blogger Voloshin denied rumors about moving abroad: “I’m forced to please someone”

22 June 2024, 18:41 | gossip
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The ex-husband of singer Anna Trincher, Ukrainian blogger Alexander Voloshin denied his alleged move abroad. So, the other day Voloshin announced on his Instagram page about dramatic changes in life and moving to Warsaw. According to him, this was supposed to happen next week. However, the very next day the blogger published a story with an explanation, where he dotted all the “i’s”. In particular, in a conversation with a friend on the phone, Alexander admits that he was joking, because on the story he deliberately made a typo in the name of the city “Warsaw” and wrote “Warsaw”. Thus, laughing at friends and an audience of millions.

“I just announced that I was going to Warsaw, and immediately received a call from a friend.

But I have to please someone and disappoint someone: I’m not moving to Warsaw... But I’ll think about “Warashaw”,” Voloshin noted with humor. However, the blogger’s friends were puzzled by the news and, after exposing the truth, with a smile and indignation, they simultaneously “thanked” him for such a joke with obscene words. Let us remind you that Alexander Voloshin still travels abroad from time to time during the war and recently explained how he manages to do this.

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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:
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