The famous presenter spoke about the quarrel with Polyakova and how the attitude towards her changed: “They washed the bones”

22 June 2024, 11:34 | gossip
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The famous presenter and comedian, star of the show “League of Laughter” Fima Konstantinovsky recalled how during filming in “League of Laughter” he was outraged by the behavior of Olya Polyakova. Thus, the comedian, in an interview with the YouTube project TSN " This did not allow them to compete in the super final of the project. After some time, they returned to the stage and, with the help of new jokes, “annoyed” the singer, considering her decision unfair.

“When we played Dnepr in the League of Laughter, we went into a full season. This was a serious challenge for us. I think we spent more time writing jokes than other young teams.. And we agreed among ourselves that if we get relegated because we scored a crap, then it will be fair, but if the defeat is unfair, it will be sad. And so it happened, Polyakova did not get up. I think it was undeserved and she decided that she was responsible for how the show would move forward. That's why she didn't get up. We washed her bones for a day. We are a very passionate team,” said Konstantinovsky.

Moreover, according to Fima, a few days after losing in a comedy show, she and Olya met at another dance project, where tension between the stars could not be avoided. However, over time, the comedian saw changes in Polyakova.

" There was passive aggression. We even quarreled. When we were on another show, I saw that something had changed. I saw how uncompromising the stars were, they began to understand that this was not forever. And then she said: “Thank you for inviting me,” the artist added.. Let us recall that earlier Fima Konstantinovsky spoke sharply about the traitor Regina Todorenko, whom he knows personally. The showman said what shocked him most about the behavior of the scandalous artist.

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