The charismatic participant of “Voice of the Country-13” stunned with a powerful popular voice

11 September 2023, 01:25 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Vocalist Anna Korchenova appeared next on the stage of “Voice of the Country-13”.. The girl dreams of glorifying Ukrainian music. On the stage of the show, the vocalist performed the song “Carpathian Rep” from DakhaBrakha. The project participant stunned with her powerful folk voice and artistry.

“I’m finally here to fulfill my dream and show the whole world what my voice, Ukrainian music and our folklore sound like. I want to go to “The Voice”, I want a stage, I want contact with people. I want to go out and charge everyone,” Anna shared. The coaching chairs were turned around by Nadya Dorofeeva and Ivan Klimenko. Mentors began to fight for the participant. But it turned out that Klimenko knew Anna before the project. The girl turned to him for advice about releasing a song.

So Korchenova chose Ivan Klimenko’s team.

" You showed yourself very cool. You have everything by the way. I like that you are an artist, you are not only a musician. You already have all the artistic inclinations. The way you look, the way you act on stage, the way you choose a song is cool. I would be very interested in working with you and I would be happy to see you on my team,” Klimenko noted. Now the coach's team already has three participants.

Watch the project "

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