Elon Musk secretly gave birth to his tenth child with a shocking singer

11 September 2023, 00:51 | gossip
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American billionaire and inventor Elon Musk became a father for the tenth time. Well-known journalist and biographer Walter Isaacson reported unexpected news about the addition to the family of the owner of SpaceX, writes The New York Times. However, an even bigger surprise was who the mother of another Musk child turned out to be.. It turns out that Musk has a third child from his relationship with the outrageous singer Claire Boucher, known as Grimes. The couple divorced back in 2021. However, this did not stop the former couple from giving birth to two more children from a surrogate mother.

The gender of the billionaire's tenth child is still unknown. However, as the media write, the baby received the unusual name Techno Mechanicus or simply Tau. Recall that in 2020, Boucher gave birth to Musk's son, whom they named X A-12 (Ex Ash A-Twelv).

After the birth of the child, the couple's relationship broke up. However, a year later it became known that the surrogate mother gave birth to the former spouses a daughter named Exa Dark Sidereal.

And already in July 2022, news appeared on the Internet that Musk had given birth to twins from his new beloved Shion Zillis. Note that recently it became known about a loud scandal between Musk and Bush. On Twitter, the singer said that her ex-husband does not allow her to see her son..

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