Santa Dimopoulos took 4-year-old daughter to school and admitted where she studies in Dubai

29 August 2023, 16:42 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian singer Santa Dimopoulos sent her 4-year-old daughter Sophia to school. The artist announced this on her Instagram.. In particular, Santa has already published footage where little Sofia in a school uniform poses in an educational institution..

The daughter of the artist will go to a private educational institution in Dubai. Dimopoulos sent Sophia to the Swiss International School of Science. " First time to school.


The school accepts children from 3 to 18 years old.. There they study various subjects, including foreign languages, mathematics, science, physical education, fine arts, literature and much more.. The cost of education in such a school is from 15 thousand dollars a year..

Recall that in mid-August it became known that Santa Dimopoulos moved to the UAE with his family.. The reason for this decision was the work of the spouse of the performer. Prior to that, the family lived in France..

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