Ex-husband Ani Lorak showed how the new wife talks sweetly with his 12-year-old daughter

29 August 2023, 11:03 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Ex-husband of Ani Lorak, businessman Murat Nalchadzhioglu showed how he spends time with his new wife Lilia. In particular, they went on a weekend together to the Turkish city of Antalya.. The newly-made spouses swam in the Mediterranean Sea and sunbathed in the hot summer days.

In addition, the lovers rested in a luxurious hotel and arranged city tours..

Currently, the couple has already arrived in Ukraine, as reported by Lilia, posting a photo from the checkpoint at the border.

By the way, during the holidays, lovers do not forget about Murat's daughter from marriage with Ani Lorak. The lovers published footage of how soap communicates with 12-year-old Sofia via video link.

By the way, Murat's daughter showed them a heart with her hands. Meanwhile, a smiling businessman hugging his new wife while having a cute conversation with his daughter. Recall that earlier Lilia and Murat rested in Kyiv. The couple visited together in one of the Kyiv complexes, located near the water. From there, Lilia shared spicy shots. A businessman's wife in a bikini showed off her slender figure. Murat reacted to such candid photos of his beloved.

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