Slava Kaminskaya showed herself as a little schoolgirl in a childhood photo against the backdrop of her native Odessa

28 August 2023, 16:26 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian singer Slava Kaminska showed what she looked like in her school years. On her Instagram page, the performer posted an archival photograph in which she dances in a short dress and black tights against the backdrop of her native city of Odessa.. Kaminskaya remembered how she dreamed of becoming a singer and performing on the big stage, and then she came to her hometown with concerts already in the status of a star.

" This is my Odessa, the city where I was born, finished school, dreamed of becoming a singer, and then often performed when my dream came true. February 24, 2022. many have lost everything: the ability to dream, plan for the future, confidence in the future. Each of us is waiting for this nightmare to end. "

Recall that during the war, together with the children, Slava had to go abroad. Now the singer lives in the Netherlands, where she has already found a new love..

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