Nazar Zadneprovsky reacted to the escape of Oksana Bayrak in the Russian Federation: "

27 August 2023, 17:50 | gossip
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People's Artist of Ukraine Nazar Zadneprovsky commented on the escape of the scandalous director Oksana Bayrak to the aggressor country Russia. The actor said that in fact, before the war, he rarely saw the director and had almost no contact with her.. However, Zadneprovsky knows that Bayrak is very narcissistic.. In particular, before the start of a full-scale war, she filmed tapes funded by Russia, worked with Russian actors. However, when a full-scale war began, the scandalous director became useless. According to the actor, Bayrak did not want to admit this, so she fled to Russia so that she would continue to be praised, and she would continue to work on paintings.. " I did not contact Bayrak. I saw her very rarely. She's narcissistic, she has a painfully narcissistic personality. Perhaps something pressed her here, pinned her down, and everything is not so right for her.. Russia gave her money, Moscow stars flew to her here, filmed with her. She was someone. After they stopped giving her Moscow money, they stopped filming Moscow stars for her, she ceased to be someone.

She feels like someone there, but for this it was necessary to betray the Motherland. I don’t understand…”, — said the actor in an interview with Ales Batsman.

Recall that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Oksana Bayrak claimed that she remained in Odessa. However, the director continued to praise Russia and blame Ukraine for the war.. However, in mid-August, Bayrak suddenly appeared in Russian St. Petersburg. She confessed her love to the city and had fun with an ardent Putinist, actor Anton Batyrev.

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