Behind the scenes of "

26 August 2023, 00:38 | gossip
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Project host Dmitry Komarov and cameraman Alexander Dmitriev will share stories from filming that turned their ideas about dangerous travelsToday, August 25, at 19:30, 1+1 Ukraine will host an exclusive episode of the travel show " Recently, the Colombian season of the program, filmed before the full-scale invasion, ended on TV screens.. Now viewers will be shown moments from unaired expeditions from three countries at once - Colombia, Ecuador and Pakistan. These are the last countries visited by the project team until February 24, 2022.

" Wars are different. Tribal wars in Ecuador. Several armed conflicts continue in Pakistan. Colombia's drug cartel wars. We will talk about how we perceived these wars then and how we look at them today.. Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine not only forced us to stop filming the Colombian season, but also to rethink the events that have been happening to us for many years.. We've changed, our lives won't be the same. Values \u200b\u200bremain unchanged, and good will surely triumph over evil,” said Dmitry Komarov.

The program will show the most interesting shots that were not included in the main releases. Dmitry Komarov will share his experience of risky filming in Pakistan - then, for the safety of the " The presenter will also open the organizational aspects of filming to the audience.. He will tell how, during the preparation of the report, he managed to bring together heroes from remote Amazonian settlements without mobile communications..

And the cameraman Alexander Dmitriev will remember the case when he tested himself as the lead project in the Ecuadorian jungle. What came of it - will be shown in today's issue.

In addition, the project team will remember the most curious cases in their expeditions.. For example, Alexander Dmitriev will tell how he accidentally swallowed a Colombian emerald that he was going to give to his wife. Recall that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Dmitry Komarov has been in Ukraine and has been filming the crimes of Russian occupiers on Ukrainian soil..

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