Zalashtunki "

26 August 2023, 00:38 | gossip
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Leading the project Dmytro Komarov and cameraman Oleksandr Dmitriyev share the stories of 3 years that turned upside down their announcements about unsafe road trips this year, 25 April, about 19:30 on " Recently, the Colombian season of programs has ended on TV screens, the withdrawals before the full-scale invasion. Now to show the watchers the moments from the expedition, which they did not spend on the air, once from three countries - Colombia, Ecuador and Pakistan. All remaining lands, in which the project team visited until February 24, 2022.

" Vіyni raznі. In Ecuador, the Meshkan tribes are fighting. Pakistan has a lot of bad conflicts. Colombia has drug cartel wars. Let's talk about those, how we took these viyni today and how we marvel at them today. Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine did not only tempt us to interrupt the Colombian season, and rethink it, as if we had a lot of fates. We have changed, our life will not be the same as before. But the main values \u200b\u200bbecome immutable, and good will overcome evil,"

The program will show the most famous shots, which have not been used up to the main releases. Dmitro Komarov to share his experience of the risky loans from Pakistan – just for the security of the command " The leader also opened the eyes of the organizational moments of the zniman. Vіn rozpovist, yak pіd pіd pіdpreparation of the report, you went far away to pick up the heroes at once from the distant settlement of the Amazon without a mobile phone call. And the cameraman Oleksandr Dmitriyev creates the vipadok, if he tried himself as a leading project in the middle of the Ecuadorian jungle. What did it happen - show it to today's release.

In addition, the team of the project guesses the most interesting fluctuations in their expeditions. For example, Oleksandr Dmitriev rose, as if he had inadvertently forged a Colombian emerald, which he chose to present to the squad. Let's guess, because of the beginning of a full-scale invasion, Dmytro Komarov is rebuffing in Ukraine and the film of evil Russian occupiers on Ukrainian land. Read such: “Speak the whole Kraina” on “1+1 Ukrainian”: Vidoma Date the Premus New season Masha єfrosinina, rang the day of the day of the people, Zdavarunk for the nyoye,.

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