Taras Topolya admitted how much money he lives on and how much he spends per month: “We never lived in a big way”

26 August 2023, 00:21 | gossip
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Ukrainian performer, leader of the Antibody group Taras Topolya spoke about his earnings and admitted how much money he needs per month. As the artist admitted, he and his wife, singer Alyosha, made good money before the war.. In addition, they did not spend much money, but kept it. So now the musician and his family have something to live on.. The " True, as Topolya admitted, they donate more than 50 percent of their profits to help Ukrainian defenders..

" " " Elena actively toured. Fortunately, there were no problems with money, but we never lived in a big way either.. It's not that I can't afford anything, I can afford a lot of things," Taras Topolya also shared that he doesn’t need a lot of money per month. He doesn't spend much on food, he hardly buys clothes.. The only thing that funds go to is the essentials.. Poplar also admitted that he pays a considerable amount for utilities.. By the way, Alyosha also earns money abroad.

" Today my expenses were:

I refueled half a tank of gasoline and bought myself coffee twice, I'll go to my father to eat. If you take clothes, then 90 percent of my wardrobe is clothes that I need for some events or on stage. The communal apartment is now without heating - four thousand hryvnias," Recall that recently Taras Topolya honestly answered whether he would return to serve as a paramedic at the front.. The singer also commented on the reproaches that military artists in the war have a special attitude.

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