Russian rapper Noize MC addressed fans in Ukrainian on Independence Day

25 August 2023, 19:29 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Russian rap artist Noize MC made an unexpected publication for the Independence Day of Ukraine. On his Instagram page, the artist, who was recognized in the Russian Federation as a " The musician published a photo with ice cream from a Ukrainian brand with a patriotic design and the inscription: " “Happy Holidays,” Noize MC signed the photo and added a blue and yellow flag to the signature.

Recall that since the beginning of a full-scale war, Noize MC left the Russian Federation and supported Ukraine. From the first days of the full-scale invasion, together with the Russian singer Monetochka, the rapper began holding charity concerts in Europe in support of Ukrainian refugees.. Currently, the performer is also actively touring and raising funds for immigrants.. In addition, Noize MC released the track " In Russia, the anti-war position of the musician was recognized as a "

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