Pavlik's wife spoke about the examination of a 2-year-old son due to a speech delay: "

31 July 2023, 00:21 | gossip
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The wife of the singer Viktor Pavlik, Ekaterina Repyakhova, told at what stage the examination of their two-year-old son Mikhail is now. A few months ago, the star family went to the doctors because of the boy's speech delay.. Then they were examined by neurologists and other professionals.. As Ekaterina previously said, they had already done an electroencephalogram (EEG) for their son to detect hearing loss.. However, now the doctors advised to go through the procedure again, but this time in a dream, to make sure that Mikhail has no pathologies.. The blogger spoke about the details of the survey on Instagram. " We will have an EEG in our sleep. This will be the last examination, after which a decision will be made whether Mihasik needs to be treated with medication.. I'm leaning towards no.

Although I say every time that this is the last, "

The family plans to check the results of the examination in Israel, because in Ukraine they once stumbled upon an unscrupulous doctor. " By the way, we have already deciphered the MRI for the fifth time. They said there was no need for treatment.. This is all after this lady said that it is necessary to treat and he will not speak, and only they have medicines. I will remember for the rest of my life that lady who is to blame for everything, infections, cod, after a birth injury. Moms, check everything 100 times,” said Ekaterina.

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