Vlad Yama's wife showed how she is resting in Arizona in a tent city

29 July 2023, 21:47 | gossip
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The wife of choreographer Vlad Yama, Lilia, who left for the United States with her husband and son at the beginning of a full-scale war, showed how she spends her vacation. In the story of her Instagram page, Lilia Yama told subscribers that she and her son, 7-year-old Leon, are in Arizona. There she rests in a tent city and gave a tour of her tent. There, Lilia has a shower, a full bedroom, a toilet and a fireplace..

Pit showed local scenery, breathtaking. The dancer's wife also said that she went on an excursion to Antelope Canyon.

Whether Vlad Yama went on this trip with his family is unclear.

Either Lily does not show her husband on purpose in the story, so as not to bring a new hatred on him, or Yama is engaged in some other business. Recall that at the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Vlad Yama, together with his wife and son, left for the United States. Since then, the choreographer has never come home. Meanwhile, host Slava Demin, to whom Yama told about his whereabouts, admitted that the dancer blocked him everywhere on social networks.. Demin suggested why Yama could be offended by him.

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