Former Tsymbalyuka told how hard she went through a divorce and why her grandmother returned to Mariupol

11 July 2023, 20:09 | gossip
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The ex-wife of actor Taras Tsymbalyuk, makeup artist Tina Antonenko, spoke for the first time about a difficult divorce and explained why her grandmother returned to live in occupied Mariupol. Tina shared with fans that her loved one was celebrating a birthday. On the occasion of her grandmother's 79th birthday, she asked her friends for a surprise. The makeup artist also added that at present, a loved one is in occupied Mariupol. " emotionally difficult day. Grandmother, who is in occupied Mariupol and has not been seen for a year, has a birthday. 79 years old. Mom asked good people to bring flowers as a gift.. They sent a photo report, I'm crying,"

However, many users were surprised why Tina’s grandmother ended up in occupation again, because in March last year, the makeup artist managed to take her to the territory controlled by Ukraine. Antonenko explained that it was difficult for her to live with two refugees in a small studio apartment.. Moreover, in her life then was a difficult period.. So Tina's grandmother decided to go to Berdyansk, to her son, and from there to Mariupol. " 2022 is a solid night terror for me. I started having bile problems due to stress, my cat got sick, I got divorced, two refugees in my studio apartment. My friends helped me a lot and gave my apartment to my grandmother. She lived there for some time.. But who knows the refugees, after the trauma they are children. They constantly need support. I myself was at zero. I try hard, but it was difficult for me. Grandmother offered to take her to her son in Berdyansk. So she ended up in the occupation. Then I wanted to go to my mother's surviving house.

So she ended up back in Mariupol,"

The makeup artist also said that 2022 was incredibly difficult for her, and especially the period after the divorce.. According to Tina, she experienced continuous disappointments in the summer. " With all the painful disappointment in certain people, ideological betrayals, understanding who is who, "

Recall that in June last year it became known that Taras Tsymbalyuk was divorcing makeup artist Tina Antonenko. What prompted this decision is not known.. However, the actor said that he failed to maintain friendly relations with Tina after the break..

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