Lozovytska from "

10 July 2023, 22:54 | gossip
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Intermediary for the project " Nina celebrity lives with his model Volodymyr in Poland, de stink to rob an apartment for himself. Katerina shares with her subscribers, as she goes through the process. However, the fans cackle, like Katerina's boyfriend vyihav under the hour of war from Ukraine. Deyakі navit began to declare that the person " Model vіdpovіla on qі zakidi. Vaughn announced that її kohany has been loitering in Poland for a long time, de y practice.

So Kateryna sang that a non-Abian person is helping Ukraine.

\? We will serve our country more richly, staying with Poland, lower deyak, who sit in Ukraine," Let's guess, earlier it became known that the participant of the project " Spivachka flew from Odessa to the edge-aggressor of Russia, as if shelling Ukrainian places and driving in innocent people. Read also: Putinist Kirkorov, having swept Dolce \u0026 Gabbana at the party, she boasted, like Dolce squeezed my hand for UAH 10 million and ran into.

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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:
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