Vitaly Kozlovsky at the training ground showed how skillfully he learned to wield weapons

24 June 2023, 23:26 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian singer Vitaliy Kozlovsky showed up at the training ground during his military training. The performer shared a video on his Instagram page, in which he demonstrated what skills he had already mastered during his training.. So, Kozlovsky, in military uniform and in full gear, showed how skillfully he assembles and loads a machine gun, and also shoots from it..

In addition, together with his brothers-in-arms, the singer practiced first aid in case of injury on the battlefield..

“The training ground is an opportunity to study weapons, learn how to use them and rely on brothers, no matter what happens,” Kozlovsky wrote.. Recall that in June of this year, the singer said that he had received a summons to the draft board. Immediately after that, Kozlovsky underwent special medical training and went to military exercises, because he does not have the appropriate specialty..

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