TV presenter Katerina Osadcha showed her father Oleksandr Volodymyrovich. The celebrity published family shots on her Instagram on the occasion of the birthday of Tata. On one of the photos, Katerina called at once with her father and mother, and on the other, she hugged the tata. Okrim Svitlina Osadcha also shared rows of rows addressed to Oleksandr Volodymyrovich. Veducha wrote, as if she were falling down in the very sight of her father.
" And even more love to know the new, love to the mandrives, love to the impressionists, and also the suffocation of the life of the new and repairs - all your drawings are in me.
The only thing I haven’t learned in you is to ride licks cool," In his animal celebrity, the fathers chimed in for his faith in his strength, and also indulged long and happy fates of life. " Dyakuyu for everything! I wish you good health! Strength in your not simple work, especially in this folding hour, you butt for me, how to make a jump and go forward! Dyakuyu for such a cool life butt,” wrote Osadcha.
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