Elena Kravets explained why she no longer participates in the concerts of "

13 December 2022, 21:01 | gossip
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The star of "

The life of every Ukrainian changed during the war and, according to the actress, she is also going through certain transformations.. As Elena admitted, she decided to temporarily suspend her activities in the "

" ed. ) because she aggravated. And, many felt it during the war, at what point I realized that everything " I don’t want to just live life when the value has grown every day,” Kravets shared in an interview with Masha Efrosinina.

Due to an illness that began to progress, the actress generally refused all filming for a certain period, because she felt uncomfortable in the frame..

When the star can return to participate in the show until she decides herself. Elena's colleagues at Kvartal 95 reacted to this with understanding, the actress said..

“I took a break, but I don’t know yet for how long. I was very pleased that everyone understood me.

They have known me for many years and have seen what is happening to me,"

After some time, Kravets nevertheless returned to filming and now became the host of the Quiet Evening project on the Dom TV channel.. According to the actress, she always dreamed of trying herself in this format and herself suggested the idea of \u200b\u200bthe show..

" I wrote to all the guys from " This misfortune that happened to all of us showed me that there is no time to pretend and live a life that is not your own,"

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