Hulk from the "

06 October 2022, 21:11 | gossip
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Hollywood actor Mark Ruffalo, who played the Hulk in The Avengers, thrashed American businessman Elon Musk because of his scandalous statements about Ukraine.

In particular, on Twitter, the celebrity reproached the inventor for not being well versed in history.. Mark noted that " Ruffalo added that the aggressor country illegally tried to annex part of Ukraine.

" He was wrong on every point, including the suggestion that the UN would oversee an illegal referendum that was contrary to the UN charter itself.. Elon, you can do better," Note that a few days ago, Elon Musk embarrassed the society with his statements about the war in Ukraine, which Russia hostilely unleashed.. The inventor said that a " Max also said that Crimea should be Russian.

The society was outraged by such statements of the inventor. Volunteer Sergey Pritula decided that Musk did not know history, so he opened a fundraiser for textbooks for a billionaire.

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