Nadia Dorofeeva with a considerable bouquet of flowers showed gentle kisses with Katsurin

29 August 2022, 00:51 | gossip
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Performer Nadya Dorofeeva boasted of the idyll reigning in their relationship with the restaurateur, Mikhail Katsurin.

In Instagram-stories, the celebrity decided to answer the questions of her fans. Fans of the singer were interested in a photo that they had not yet seen, and they asked her to publish such a picture..

Nadia decided to share a personal photo with her beloved Mikhail Katsurin. In the photo, Dorofeeva poses for the camera with a large bouquet of peonies.. The chosen one of the star, meanwhile, hugged her with one hand and gently kissed.

Note that the relationship between Nadia Dorofeeva and Mikhail Katsurin was a real surprise for their fans..

For the first time, rumors began to spread that there was something more than friendship between the stars in the spring. Subsequently, the lovers confirmed that they were together..

Meanwhile, the former Dorofeeva and Katsurina - Vladimir Dantes and Dasha Katsurina - are also credited with the novel. They do not hide the fact that they spend time together.. However, they have not yet commented on whether there is something more between them than just friendship..

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