51-year-old Naomi Campbell talks about her 4-month-old daughter for the first time

18 September 2021, 14:26 | gossip
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Famous model Naomi Campbell, who became a mother in May, spoke about her daughter for the first time.

51-year-old celebrity shares her new motherhood experience in BBC HardTalk interview. The girl Naomi is four months old and she has already managed to pleasantly please her mother.

" She is gorgeous. She is already very independent, very intelligent, alert and sleeps 12 hours a day.. She's a good girl, "

The celebrity added that she plans to bring up all the necessary values \u200b\u200bin her daughter so that one day she will become a strong and independent woman..

The model again refused to talk about her personal life.. Earlier, insiders said that Naomi has a boyfriend who is raising her first child with her..

Note that she also does not speak about who the child's father is and how he was born.. However, fans speculate that Campbell resorted to a surrogate mother or adopted a baby..

We will remind, the wife of Viktor Pavlik for the first time lit up the face of their son. Catherine first showed her son the sea.

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